The point of no return came for me when I was travelling through Latin America, the culture and lifestyle of its communities and citizens became a fascination for me, from the exuberant characters and its colourful existence .I was hooked and photography was my tool to portray this , I wanted to learn more and expand my skills as a photographer.
In 2007 I had three offers of employment, two of which were for banks and the other was for ‘Il Gazzettino’ a Venetian newspaper. Need I say, I took the photography position for the newspaper! I worked there for over 8 years covering over 70 national and local news articles a month.
To develop your own style, it is important to have the experience of working with other photographers and artists and my time in the newspaper world provided this for me and was the perfect platform for me to learn. I learnt to capture the moment as it happened in front
of me, to stand the perfect distance to be ready for that picture as it evolved, recognising that diverse weather conditions could mean extraordinary pictures. Working with other photographers can be inspiring and that is important, but to get that original picture you need to use your own creativity and instincts. In the last 3 years that I was working in this environment my own style started to immerge. Then when I was in charge of teaching photojournalism to the new would be photographers I had to evaluate and process everything I had learnt for every lesson, while I was doing this, I established clearly my way to see the world.
Amid this I still travelled and began new networks around the world, especially in Germany and Austria.